Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Unity Tutorial 06

This week I've decided to continue on watching Jimmy Vegas' tutorials on creating a game using Unity (I've watched episodes 9, 10 and 11 which can be found here). I've found the next few episodes much more useful and easy to use, and I'll be incorporating some of his techniques into my own game. First of all, the lighting techniques he showed, when messing around with the sky, adding different hues to match the scene with the background lighting, and creating a dark atmosphere. For my own game, I wanted to have the player start off with a more gloomy and dark feel (everything is pitch black apart from a light that follows the player around) and then eventually when the player collects pieces of plastic, the area gets brighter and more lively (robbing his "nostalgic setting" feel). I also really like creating a black fade-in screen for when the player joins in, but I'm not too sure if it'll suit my game considering the game starts off completely dark other than where the player is (his only source of light until he finds some plastic). I did enjoy learning about collecting an item as well, but do find the C# sharp aspect of it confusing. Watching these tutorials make me even more motivated to continue on in creating my game. 


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