Overall, I think the reading and writing assignments were working quite well for me. I've learned a lot about the different aspects of game design and there is much more behind it, ranging from GDD's, MDA's, MUD's and so on and so forth. I now know there is a lot more work put into game design. My favourite reading thus far would possibly be based on game elements, where I done further research on gamasutra.com, thegamesjournal.com and even on reddit.com, as I got to question myself on what really makes a game fun, what qualities it must have, and what unique elements a game must contain in order to be classified as "fun". Reddit has also taught me all the errors in a bad game and how to overcome them, from unclear and bad gaming controls, to unnecessary features such as ugly user interfaces. Some games even feature extremely long and unneeded tutorials, and if a player can't play the game fast enough, they usually lose interest. I'm definitely going to try to avoid this, as I'd like my game to be "fun" and fresh. The reading notes do help me in creating my game, as I've put more thought into coming up with my own unique concepts to include into my game, so it would then be more entertaining for game players. Also learning about the design, development, technicalities and criticism of a game put me into a much more critical mindset so I could push myself to create a much better game. I've discovered doing further research into other articles aswell as reading the ones given to us, help me understand the topics a lot more and already answer my questions. I'm very happy with my game project idea, I think it's a unique concept and I haven't seen something done before (there have been similar concepts but I don't think there are any about raising awareness on global warming and becoming more sustainable). My biggest accomplishments for the class, would be creating the actual game. At the start of the semester I had no idea what unity was, how to use it, the complications of game design, all of it. I now have a much greater understanding on each and every one of these topics, and am quite proud of myself that I am nearly finished with a fully functional game on a topic that's relevant to me.
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Reading, Week 6 image. |
I chose this image as one of my favourite images from my previous reading notes, as it is very clean, and sticks to minimalistic colours. This image also represents how me and my friend, Ellie, usually work on assignments together (but instead of coffee and overpriced snacks, its a Caesar salad wrap and a Diet Coke for me, and good old Navan roll for her). I also love the artsy aspect to it, and the decorations are placed in a way the scene still seems neat (oddly enough?). I'm very excited to do further readings and research that benefit my game, and I am as excited to complete it!
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