Sunday, October 6, 2019

Feedback thoughts

Recently I've came across two articles, one titled; "Why rejection hurts so much and what to do about it". and the other titled; "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work". From what I have gathered from the first article, "rejections are the most common emotional wound we sustain in life", which in fact is true. Us as humans, value acceptance from others and when things don't go our way, it really brings us down, and because of these "minor rejections", it makes us become more vulnerable to become more anxious and over thinking, as opposed to being just you and taking in critiques, but unfortunately our brains are wired this way. This article covers a lot about overcoming rejection, from having zero tolerance to self-criticism, to boosting your feelings for social connection. This article really brought light onto the topic, and I feel more open to the idea of constructive criticism for others and being more kind to myself as I'm really not as perfect as I think I am.

↛  The second article has really taught me how to stop giving into self-doubt when it comes to my works. It has covered everything, from not comparing yourself to others, to being vulnerable to a trusting community and embracing your growth mindset. I will admit that I am guilty to consistently doubting my works from my photography skills to my very own YouTube channel, I am a complete perfectionist. I'll always spend more time than others on what I think is art, going down to the very nitty gritty details of things, before publishing, as one flaw will tick me off into recreating the entire thing, and unfortunately that's just my nature, but this article inn particular has brought light onto the topics. It taught me some valuable lessons on how to show my works some love, and hopefully spending less time on perfecting when really I could be getting advice from others and possibly nobody would notice the same details as I do.

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