Thursday, October 24, 2019

Unity Tutorial 05.

Recently, I've went back to continue Jimmy Vegas' Unity tutorials, and have watched episodes 6, 7 and 8 (which can be found here). This week, I've learned about scripting an item in order to collect it (with text appearing on what button to collect it), and providing the player with a weapon (in his case, he used an axe, providing it with a sound when it was being used and an animation). I found them quite useful, as he does go in-depth with the tutorials by providing a step-by-step guide, but unfortunately I don't think I'll be using weapons in my own game. However, I do like the idea of scripting an item in order to collect it, but I do find using C# sharp confusing and very complex. I did enjoy messing around with the materials, textures and "normal map" buttons in order to create a more realistic look by adding shadowing by the sun and making it look less "baron". I'll also end up taking some of the steps from creating a weapon, and incorporating it into making someone less dangerous for my game, as I don't plan on making it multiplayer or a fighter-type game. I love Jimmy's tutorials and am excited to continue his series.

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